Project 1955-56
Two officers, one each for north and south India were appointed in October 1955 for a systematic and comprehensive study of the architecture of ancient temples. As a preliminary fieldwork, the officers engaged themselves in compiling a standerd list and living traditional terms on the basis of ancient texts on arhitecture, inscriptions and living traditional Sthapatis and Silpis. In north India, a systematic survey was made of the group of temples at Khajuraho.It was noticed that there was an older tradition of granite architecture at the place and that the transition from granite to sandstone was gradual. Thus taking the Lakshmana temple, one of the finest sandstone temples at Khajuraho, securely dated: on the basis of epigraphical evidence, to A.D. 953-54, as a landmark, the earlier stages would be represented by the Chausath Yogini temple, entirely granite built, and the Brahma and Lalguan Mahadeva temples, marking the transitional period.
A relative chronology of the sandstone temples was worked out on the basis of the style of their sculptures, the design of the sikharas, Plans and comparative dimensions.